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CPQ Podcast

Sep 24, 2017

You can find more information about Salesforce CPQ at 
Will Spendlove can be reached at  for any CPQ questions you may have.
In addition to that Novus CPQ offers the "CPQ Provider Series" Fact Sheet for more information...

Sep 17, 2017

You can find more information about IBM CPQ at  . In addition to that Novus CPQ offers the "CPQ Provider Series" Fact Sheet for more information about IBM CPQ. To find out where you can see the IBM team next check the IBM events page or go to the Novus CPQ...

Sep 10, 2017

Follow our guest Godard Abel on Twitter @GodardAbel or send him any questions you may have to  
  Show Notes:
  - G2Crowd Software Review Website is at 
  - If you are interested in learning more about Visual (2D/3D) and Virtual (VR/AR) capabilities with CPQ Solutions make...

Sep 3, 2017

You can find more information about KBMax at
Additionally, Novus CPQ offers the "CPQ Provider Series" Fact Sheet and the Visual & Virtual CPQ Research Report for more information about KBMax. To learn where you can meet the KBMax team in person visit the company website or simply go to the Novus...