May 26, 2019
Johann Dornbach is responsible for developing and integrating SAP S/4HANA for advanced variant configuration with Commerce and CPQ in SAP C/4HANA. In this interview he shares what his team does, what CPQ developments they focus on, who he considers a thought leader in CPQ, what SAP means by the “Digital...
May 19, 2019
Tom Connard has over 20 years of experience working with Visualization Software and co-founded 3D Source in 2016. 3D Source builds photo-realistic images that can be integrated into CPQ and Product Configuration tools. In this interview he shares what he did before he co-founded 3D Source, how 3D Source is...
May 15, 2019
Klaas Nebuhr ist einer der Gründer und Geschäftsführer der encoway GmbH, eine Lenze Tochter, die 2000 in Bremen gegründet wurde. In diesem Interview erzählt Klaas warum und wie encoway Kinder und Jugendliche im Bereich MINT (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik)...
May 12, 2019
In Part 2 of my interview with Vic we talk about why Verenia is now a Sales Acceleration Tool and no longer just a CPQ Vendor, when a NetSuite customer should consider using Verenia CRM vs. NetSuite CRM, what they do to increase customer adoption for Verenia CRM & CPQ, why a 360 degree view makes a big difference, what...
May 5, 2019
Vic founded Verenia in 2012 while he started a family. By now they have build a native CPQ Solution for NetSuite and a standalone CPQ Solution. Just recently they have introduced a new Product “Verenia CRM”. In this interview he talks about his start-up experience, why he thinks private funding has helped him, he...